Request #04
(* Open-Suse Tumbleweed *) % cdq ~/devel/quickie % pp sandbox_24001_m.adb with Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Text_IO; with Aej.Daejana; procedure Sandbox_24001_m is use Ada; use Text_IO; use Aej; use Daejana; use Int_IO; use Flt_IO; use Flt_G_E_F; use type Int_T; use type Flt_T; procedure Xadd (C : in out Int_T; D : in out Int_T) is B : Int_T; begin B := D; D := C; C := C + B; return; end Xadd; C : Int_T; D : Int_T; N : Int_T; procedure Probe_01 is begin C := 1; D := 0; N := 0; while C < 2**48 loop Put(C, Base => 16, Width => 16); Put(", "); Put(C, Width => 15); Put(" ["); Put(N, Width => 2); Put("];"); New_Line; Xadd(C, D); N := N + 1; end loop; New_Line; -- Put(Log(Flt_T( 2 ** 48)) / Log(Phi), Exp => 0, Fore => 2, Aft => 3); Put(" ← Log(2 ** 48) / Log("); Put(Phi, Exp => 0, Fore => 1, Aft => 3); Put(");"); ↪ New_Line; -- 69.140 ← Log(2 ** 48) / Log(1.618); Put(Int_T( Flt_T'Floor(Log(Flt_T( 2 ** 48)) / Log(Phi) + 0.5)), Width => 1); Put(" ← Int_T( Flt_T'Floor(Log(2 ** 48) / Log("); Put(Phi, Exp => 0, Fore => 1, ↪ Aft => 3); Put(" + 0.5)));"); New_Line; return; end Probe_01; begin Command_Line.Set_Exit_Status(Command_Line.Success); New_Line; Probe_01; New_Line; return; exception when E : others => New_Line(Standard_Error); New_Line(Standard_Error); Put(Standard_Error, "** "); Put(Standard_Error, Exceptions.Exception_Name(E)); Put(Standard_Error, "! ("); Put(Standard_Error, Exceptions.Exception_Message(E)); Put(Standard_Error, ")"); New_Line(Standard_Error); New_Line; Command_Line.Set_Exit_Status(Command_Line.Failure); end Sandbox_24001_m; % adb sandbox_24001_m; time ./sandbox_24001_m; gnatclean -q sandbox_24001_m 16#1#, 1 [ 0]; 16#1#, 1 [ 1]; 16#2#, 2 [ 2]; 16#3#, 3 [ 3]; 16#5#, 5 [ 4]; 16#8#, 8 [ 5]; 16#D#, 13 [ 6]; 16#15#, 21 [ 7]; 16#22#, 34 [ 8]; 16#37#, 55 [ 9]; 16#59#, 89 [10]; 16#90#, 144 [11]; 16#E9#, 233 [12]; 16#179#, 377 [13]; 16#262#, 610 [14]; 16#3DB#, 987 [15]; 16#63D#, 1597 [16]; 16#A18#, 2584 [17]; 16#1055#, 4181 [18]; 16#1A6D#, 6765 [19]; 16#2AC2#, 10946 [20]; 16#452F#, 17711 [21]; 16#6FF1#, 28657 [22]; 16#B520#, 46368 [23]; 16#12511#, 75025 [24]; 16#1DA31#, 121393 [25]; 16#2FF42#, 196418 [26]; 16#4D973#, 317811 [27]; 16#7D8B5#, 514229 [28]; 16#CB228#, 832040 [29]; 16#148ADD#, 1346269 [30]; 16#213D05#, 2178309 [31]; 16#35C7E2#, 3524578 [32]; 16#5704E7#, 5702887 [33]; 16#8CCCC9#, 9227465 [34]; 16#E3D1B0#, 14930352 [35]; 16#1709E79#, 24157817 [36]; 16#2547029#, 39088169 [37]; 16#3C50EA2#, 63245986 [38]; 16#6197ECB#, 102334155 [39]; 16#9DE8D6D#, 165580141 [40]; 16#FF80C38#, 267914296 [41]; 16#19D699A5#, 433494437 [42]; 16#29CEA5DD#, 701408733 [43]; 16#43A53F82#, 1134903170 [44]; 16#6D73E55F#, 1836311903 [45]; 16#B11924E1#, 2971215073 [46]; 16#11E8D0A40#, 4807526976 [47]; 16#1CFA62F21#, 7778742049 [48]; 16#2EE333961#, 12586269025 [49]; 16#4BDD96882#, 20365011074 [50]; 16#7AC0CA1E3#, 32951280099 [51]; 16#C69E60A65#, 53316291173 [52]; 16#1415F2AC48#, 86267571272 [53]; 16#207FD8B6AD#, 139583862445 [54]; 16#3495CB62F5#, 225851433717 [55]; 16#5515A419A2#, 365435296162 [56]; 16#89AB6F7C97#, 591286729879 [57]; 16#DEC1139639#, 956722026041 [58]; 16#1686C8312D0#, 1548008755920 [59]; 16#2472D96A909#, 2504730781961 [60]; 16#3AF9A19BBD9#, 4052739537881 [61]; 16#5F6C7B064E2#, 6557470319842 [62]; 16#9A661CA20BB#, 10610209857723 [63]; 16#F9D297A859D#, 17167680177565 [64]; 16#19438B44A658#, 27777890035288 [65]; 16#28E0B4BF2BF5#, 44945570212853 [66]; 16#42244003D24D#, 72723460248141 [67]; 16#6B04F4C2FE42#, 117669030460994 [68]; 16#AD2934C6D08F#, 190392490709135 [69]; 69 ← Int_T( Flt_T'Floor(Log(2 ** 48) / Log(1.618 + 0.5))); ./sandbox_24001_m 0.00s user 0.00s system 92% cpu 0.003 total % (* Macs *) % time ocaml -e 'let rec f n = if n < 3 then 1 else (f (n - 1)) + (f (n - 2)) in print_int (f 50); print_newline ()' 12586269025 ocaml -e 166.32s user 0.01s system 99% cpu 2:46.50 total % time racket -e '(display (let loop ((n 50)) (if (< n 3) 1 (+ (loop (- n 1)) (loop (- n 2)))))) (newline)' 12586269025 racket -e 37.07s user 0.29s system 96% cpu 38.708 total % pp #mod_use "aej/" ;; open Daejana let _ = print_newline () ; print_int (int_of_float (floor (log (2.0 ** 48.0) /. log phi +. 0.5))); print_string ";" ; print_newline () ; print_newline () ; ignore () (* *) % ocaml 69; % pp #mod_use "aej/" ;; open Daejana let xadd c d = let b = ! c in c := b + ! d ; d := b ; ignore () let probe_01 n = let c = ref 1 and d = ref 0 in ( for l = 1 to n do print_int ! c ; print_string ";" ; print_newline () ; xadd c d ; done ) ; ignore () let _ = print_newline () ; let n = if 1 < Array.length Sys.argv then int_of_string Sys.argv.(1) else 0 in probe_01 (n) ; print_newline () ; ignore () (* *) % ocaml % ocaml 1 1; % ocaml 2 1; 1; % ocaml 3 1; 1; 2; % ocaml 4 1; 1; 2; 3; % ocaml 5 1; 1; 2; 3; 5; % ocaml 6 1; 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; % ocaml 7 1; 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13; % ocaml 50 … 13; 21; 34; 55; 89; 144; 233; 377; 610; 987; 1597; 2584; 4181; 6765; 10946; 17711; 28657; 46368; 75025; 121393; 196418; 317811; 514229; 832040; 1346269; 2178309; 3524578; 5702887; 9227465; 14930352; 24157817; 39088169; 63245986; 102334155; 165580141; 267914296; 433494437; 701408733; 1134903170; 1836311903; 2971215073; 4807526976; 7778742049; 12586269025; % pp sandbox_24001_m.rkt #lang racket (require aej/daejana) (define (xadd c d) (let ( (b (mcar d)) ) (set-mcar! d (mcar c)) (set-mcar! c (+ (mcar c) b)) ) ) (define (probe-01 n) (let ( (c (mcons 1 '())) (d (mcons 0 '())) ) (let loop ( (k n) ) (if… (< 0 k) (then (display (mcar c)) (newline) (xadd c d) (loop (- k 1)) )) ) ) ) ((lambda (n) (newline) (probe-01 n) (newline) (exit exit-state) ) (let ( (v (current-command-line-arguments)) ) (let ( (n (if… (< 0 (vector-length v)) (then (or (string->number (vector-ref v 0)) 0) ) (else 0 )) ) ) (if… (< n 1) (then (ouch!) )) n ) ) ) ;* sandbox_24001_m.rkt % time ocaml 70 … 12586269025; 20365011074; 32951280099; 53316291173; 86267571272; 139583862445; 225851433717; 365435296162; 591286729879; 956722026041; 1548008755920; 2504730781961; 4052739537881; 6557470319842; 10610209857723; 17167680177565; 27777890035288; 44945570212853; 72723460248141; 117669030460994; 190392490709135; ocaml 70 0.03s user 0.00s system 92% cpu 0.040 total % time racket sandbox_24001_m.rkt 70 … 190392490709135 racket sandbox_24001_m.rkt 70 0.18s user 0.04s system 89% cpu 0.238 total % pp #mod_use "aej/" ;; open Daejana let probe_01 n = let rec f c d n = if 0 < n then ( print_int c ; print_string ";" ; print_newline () ; f (c + d) c (n - 1) ) in f 1 0 n ; ignore () let _ = print_newline () ; let n = if 1 < Array.length Sys.argv then int_of_string Sys.argv.(1) else 0 in probe_01 (n) ; print_newline () ; ignore () (* *) % pp sandbox_24001_m.rkt #lang racket (require aej/daejana) (define (probe-01 n) (let loop ( (c 1) (d 0) (k n) ) (if… (< 0 k) (then (display c) (newline) (loop (+ c d) c (- k 1)) )) ) ) ((lambda (n) (newline) (probe-01 n) (newline) (exit exit-state) ) (let ( (v (current-command-line-arguments)) ) (let ( (n (if… (< 0 (vector-length v)) (then (or (string->number (vector-ref v 0)) 0) ) (else 0 )) ) ) (if… (< n 1) (then (ouch!) )) n ) ) ) ;* sandbox_24001_m.rkt % time ocaml 70 … 190392490709135; ocaml 70 0.03s user 0.01s system 91% cpu 0.038 total % time racket sandbox_24001_m.rkt 70 … 190392490709135 racket sandbox_24001_m.rkt 70 0.18s user 0.04s system 89% cpu 0.236 total % pp sandbox_24001_m.c #include <daejana.h> static void xadd (int_t *, int_t *); static int_t probe_01 (int_t); static void xadd (int_t * c, int_t * d) { int_t b; b = * c; * c += * d; * d = b; return; } static int_t probe_01 (int_t n) { int_t c; int_t d; int_t k; c = 1; d = 0; k = n; while (0 < k) { printf("%lld\n", c); xadd(& c, & d); k -= 1; } return 0; } int main (int argc, char * argv []) { int_t n; error_flag = false; printf("\n"); if (1 < argc) { n = atoll(argv[1]); } else { n = 0; } probe_01(n); printf("\n"); if (error_flag) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // sandbox_24001_m.c % ccb sandbox_24001_m && { time ./sandbox_24001_m 70; rm ./sandbox_24001_m; } … 190392490709135 ./sandbox_24001_m 70 0.00s user 0.00s system 2% cpu 0.058 total % pp sandbox_24001_m.c #include <daejana.h> static int_t probe_01 (int_t); static int_t probe_01 (int_t n) { int_t c; int_t d; int_t b; int_t k; c = 1; d = 0; k = n; while (0 < k) { printf("%lld\n", c); b = c; c += d; d = b; k -= 1; } return 0; } int main (int argc, char * argv []) { int_t n; error_flag = false; printf("\n"); if (1 < argc) { n = atoll(argv[1]); } else { n = 0; } probe_01(n); printf("\n"); if (error_flag) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // sandbox_24001_m.c % ccb sandbox_24001_m && { time ./sandbox_24001_m 70; rm ./sandbox_24001_m; } … 190392490709135 ./sandbox_24001_m 70 0.00s user 0.00s system 1% cpu 0.298 total %
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-- Open-Suse Tumbleweed % pp ~/.zshenv ~/.zshrc # printf "~/.zshenv\n" PATH="${HOME}/opt/bin:${PATH}" PY="/usr/bin/python3"; export PY # PLTCONFIGDIR="${HOME}/.config"; export PLTCONFIGDIR GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE="0"; export GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE GUILE_LOAD_PATH="${HOME}/devel/proto:${HOME}/opt/script"; export GUILE_LOAD_PATH CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${HOME}/devel/proto/aej"; export CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH TMPDIR="${HOME}/tmp"; export TMPDIR PYTHONPATH="${HOME}/devel/proto"; export PYTHONPATH PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE="x"; export PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE OCAMLTOP_INCLUDE_PATH="${HOME}/devel/proto"; export OCAMLTOP_INCLUDE_PATH ADA_INCLUDE_PATH="${HOME}/devel/proto"; export ADA_INCLUDE_PATH ADA_OBJECTS_PATH="${HOME}/devel/proto"; export ADA_OBJECTS_PATH C_INCLUDE_PATH="${HOME}/devel/proto/aej"; export C_INCLUDE_PATH LIBRARY_PATH="${HOME}/devel/proto/aej"; export LIBRARY_PATH # ~/.zshenv # printf "~/.zshrc\n" cd ~/draft; cd ~/devel/quickie printf "\x1b[2J\x1b[H~${PWD#${HOME}}\n" HISTFILE=~/.zhistory; HISTSIZE=6000; SAVEHIST=15000 set -o APPEND_HISTORY set -o HIST_IGNORE_DUPS set -o emacs umask 002 # VISUAL="$(which vim)"; [[ -x "${VISUAL}" ]] || VISUAL="$(which vi)"; export VISUAL # EDITOR="${VISUAL}"; export EDITOR PS1='%# ' # [[ -n "${WAYLAND_DISPLAY}" ]] || setfont "daej12x24" # "suse12x22" export COLUMNS LINES unalias -a; alias qu=alias alias lsi='ls -AF1' alias lsl='ls -AFl --block-size=K' alias lsx='ls -AFx' alias py="${PY}" alias pim="${PY} -im 'aej.daejana'" alias pp="printf 'from string import *\\nfrom sys import *\\nfor i in argv[1:]:\\n\\tfor j in open(i):\\n\\t\\tprint(j.rstrip().expandtabs(3))' |python3 -" # alias rkt='racket -I "racket/base" -e "(require aej/daejana)" -i' alias cdd='function { local j k; if [[ ${#} < 1 ]]; then j="${PWD}"; else j=${1}; shift; fi; for k in ${j} ${*}; do if [[ "${k}" == "${k##${HOME}}" ]]; then ↪ printf "${k}\n"; elif [[ "${k}" == "${HOME}" ]]; then printf "~/\n"; else printf "~${k##${HOME}}\n"; fi; done; }' alias cdm='cd -' alias cdp='cd ~/devel/proto; printf "~${PWD#${HOME}}\n"' alias cda='cd ~/devel/proto/aej; printf "~${PWD#${HOME}}\n"' alias cdq='cd ~/devel/quickie; printf "~${PWD#${HOME}}\n"' alias cdr='cd ~/devel/retro; printf "~${PWD#${HOME}}\n"' # alias cds='cd ~/devel/sleek; printf "~${PWD#${HOME}}\n"' alias cdt='cd ~/draft; printf "~${PWD#${HOME}}\n"' alias cdv='cd ~/draft/vocabulary_cards; printf "~${PWD#${HOME}}\n"' # alias cdw='cd /srv/www/htdocs; printf "${PWD}\n"' alias stt='function { local j k; if [[ 0 < ${#} ]]; then for k in $*; do if [[ -r "${k}" ]]; then mv "${k}" "${HOME}/tmp/${k##*/}"; fi; nst "${k}"> "${k}"; ↪ printf "${k}\n"; done; fi; }' alias stm='function { local j k; if [[ 0 < ${#} ]]; then for k in $*; do if [[ -r "${k}" ]]; then mv "${k}" "${HOME}/tmp/${k##*/}"; fi; nst -m "${k}"> "${k}"; ↪ printf "${k}\n"; done; fi; }' alias cbr='function { local p r t; if [[ 0 < ${#} ]]; then t=${1}; shift; p="${HOME}/devel/proto/aej"; r="${p}/daejana.o"; for k in $*; do r="${r} ${p}/${k}.o"; ↪ done; if gcc -c "-I${p}" "${t}.c" && gcc -o "${t}" $(printf "${r}\n") "${t}.o"; then "./${t}"; rm "${t}" "${t}".o; fi; fi; }' alias ccb='function { local p r t; if [[ 0 < ${#} ]]; then t=${1}; shift; p="${HOME}/devel/proto/aej"; r="${p}/daejana.o"; for k in $*; do r="${r} ${p}/${k}.o"; ↪ done; gcc -c "-I${p}" "${t}.c" && gcc -o "${t}" $(printf "${r}\n") "${t}.o"; rm "${t}" "${t}".o; fi; }' # alias ccc="gcc -c -I${HOME}/devel/proto/aej" alias abr='function { local t; if [[ 0 < ${#} ]]; then t=${1}; shift; if gnatmake -q ${t}; then "./${t}"; gnatclean -q ${t}; fi; fi; }' alias adb='function { local t; if [[ 0 < ${#} ]]; then t=${1}; shift; gnatmake -q ${t}; fi; }' alias fth='sf include %swift_forth/lib/options/config include' # ~/.zshrc % cdp ~/devel/proto % pp with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions; with Ada.Text_IO; with Interfaces.C; package Aej is use Ada; use Text_IO; use Interfaces; subtype Int_T is C.ptrdiff_t; subtype Enum_T is Int_T range 0 .. Int_T'Last; subtype Index_T is Int_T range 1 .. Int_T'Last; subtype Uint_T is C.size_t; subtype Flt_T is C.long_double; package Int_IO is new Text_IO.Integer_IO(Int_T); package Uint_IO is new Text_IO.Modular_IO(Uint_T); package Flt_IO is new Text_IO.Float_IO(Flt_T); package Flt_G_E_F is new Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions(Flt_T); use Flt_G_E_F; use type Flt_T; Phi : constant Flt_T := (Sqrt(5.0) + 1.0) / 2.0; Pi : constant Flt_T := Arctan(1.0) * 4.0; type String_Access_T is access all String; end Aej; % pp aej-daejana.adb with Ada.Text_IO; with Gnat.Source_Info; package body Aej.Daejana is use Ada; use Text_IO; use Gnat; use Int_IO; use type Int_T; procedure Ouch (S : String := (1 .. 0 => <>); File : String := Source_Info.File; Line : Integer := Source_Info.Line) is begin New_Line(Standard_Error); Put(Standard_Error, "** "); Put(Standard_Error, File); Put(Standard_Error, " ("); Put(Standard_Error, Int_T( Line), Width => 1); Put(Standard_Error, "): "); if S'Length < 1 then Put(Standard_Error, "Ouch! " & Character'Val(16#e2#) & Character'Val(16#98#) & Character'Val(16#a0#)); else Put(Standard_Error, S); end if; New_Line(Standard_Error); return; end Ouch; function Within (L : Int_T; M : Int_T; R : Int_T) return Boolean is begin return not ( M < L or R < M); end Within; procedure Swap (C : in out Int_T; D : in out Int_T) is B : Int_T; begin B := C; C := D; D := B; return; end Swap; procedure Rotate_Left (C : in out Int_T; D : in out Int_T; E : in out Int_T) is B : Int_T; begin B := C; C := D; D := E; E := B; return; end Rotate_Left; procedure Rotate_Left (C : in out Int_T; D : in out Int_T; E : in out Int_T; F : in out Int_T) is B : Int_T; begin B := C; C := D; D := E; E := F; F := B; return; end Rotate_Left; procedure Rotate_Right (C : in out Int_T; D : in out Int_T; E : in out Int_T) is B : Int_T; begin B := E; E := D; D := C; C := B; return; end Rotate_Right; procedure Rotate_Right (C : in out Int_T; D : in out Int_T; E : in out Int_T; F : in out Int_T) is B : Int_T; begin B := F; F := E; E := D; D := C; C := B; return; end Rotate_Right; function Compare (S : String_Access_T; T : String_Access_T) return Int_T is begin if S = null and T = null then return 0; end if; if S = null then return -1; end if; if T = null then return 1; end if; return (if S.all = T.all then 0 elsif S.all < T.all then -1 else 1); end Compare; end Aej.Daejana; with Gnat.Source_Info; package Aej.Daejana is use Gnat; procedure Ouch (S : String := (1 .. 0 => <>); File : String := Source_Info.File; Line : Integer := Source_Info.Line); function Within (L : Int_T; M : Int_T; R : Int_T) return Boolean; procedure Swap (C : in out Int_T; D : in out Int_T); procedure Rotate_Left (C : in out Int_T; D : in out Int_T; E : in out Int_T); procedure Rotate_Left (C : in out Int_T; D : in out Int_T; E : in out Int_T; F : in out Int_T); procedure Rotate_Right (C : in out Int_T; D : in out Int_T; E : in out Int_T); procedure Rotate_Right (C : in out Int_T; D : in out Int_T; E : in out Int_T; F : in out Int_T); function Compare (S : String_Access_T; T : String_Access_T) return Int_T; end Aej.Daejana; % -- Macs % pp ~/.zshenv ~/.zshrc # printf "~/.zshenv\n" PATH="${HOME}/opt/bin:/Applications/Racket v8.12/bin:/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:${PATH}"; export PATH MANPATH="${HOME}/opt/man/racket:/opt/local/share/man:${MANPATH}"; export MANPATH; LC_ALL="C"; export LC_ALL PY="/usr/bin/python3"; export PY ST='/Users/daejana/opt/apps/Sublime\'; export ST PYTHONPATH="${HOME}/devel/proto"; export PYTHONPATH PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE="x"; export PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE OCAMLTOP_INCLUDE_PATH="${HOME}/devel/proto"; export OCAMLTOP_INCLUDE_PATH # ~/.zshenv # cd ~/devel/swift/Aej/Sources # cd ~/draft/vocabulary cd ~/devel/quickie cd ~/devel/sleek printf "\x1b[2J\x1b[H~${PWD#${HOME}}\n"; export COLUMNS LINES HISTSIZE=6000 SAVEHIST=60000 set -o APPEND_HISTORY set -o HIST_IGNORE_DUPS set -o emacs VISUAL="$(which vim)"; [[ -x "${VISUAL}" ]] || VISUAL="$(which vi)"; export VISUAL EDITOR="${VISUAL}"; export EDITOR PS1='%# ' umask 002 unalias -a alias qu=alias alias lsx='ls -AFx' alias lsi='ls -AF1' alias lsl='ls -AFhl' alias py="${PY}" alias pim="${PY} -im 'aej.daejana'" alias pp="printf 'from string import *\\nfrom sys import *\\nfor i in argv[1:]:\\n\\tfor j in open(i):\\n\\t\\tprint(j.rstrip().expandtabs(3))' |${PY} -" alias cdd='function { local j k; if [[ ${#} < 1 ]]; then j="${PWD}"; else j=${1}; shift; fi; for k in ${j} ${*}; do if [[ "${k}" == "${k##${HOME}}" ]]; then ↪ printf "${k}\n"; elif [[ "${k}" == "${HOME}" ]]; then printf "~/\n"; else printf "~${k##${HOME}}\n"; fi; done; }' alias cdm='cd -' alias cdp='cd ~/devel/proto; printf "~${PWD#${HOME}}\n"' alias cda='cd ~/devel/proto/aej; printf "~${PWD#${HOME}}\n"' alias cdq='cd ~/devel/quickie; printf "~${PWD#${HOME}}\n"' alias cdr='cd ~/devel/probes; printf "~${PWD#${HOME}}\n"' alias cds='cd ~/devel/sleek; printf "~${PWD#${HOME}}\n"' alias cdt='cd ~/draft; printf "~${PWD#${HOME}}\n"' alias cdv='cd ~/draft/vocabulary; printf "~${PWD#${HOME}}\n"' alias cdw='cd ~/devel/swift/Aej/Sources; printf "~${PWD#${HOME}}\n"' alias cdc='cd "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin’s Mac Studio/draft/memo"; printf "~${PWD#${HOME}}\n"' alias st="${ST} -a" alias stt='function { local a j k t; if [[ 0 < ${#} ]]; then a=(); for k in $*; do if [[ -r "${k}" ]]; then mv "${k}" "${HOME}/tmp/${k##*/}"; fi; nst "${k}"> "${k}"; ↪ printf "${k}\n"; a+=("${k}"); done; '"${ST} -a \$a[@]"'; fi; }' alias stm='function { local a j k t; if [[ 0 < ${#} ]]; then a=(); for k in $*; do if [[ -r "${k}" ]]; then mv "${k}" "${HOME}/tmp/${k##*/}"; fi; nst -m "${k}"> "${k}"; ↪ printf "${k}\n"; a+=("${k}"); done; '"${ST} -a \$a[@]"'; fi; }' alias swb='swift run Aej' alias swr='swift run --skip-build Aej' alias cbr='function { local a p t; if [[ 0 < ${#} ]]; then t=${1}; shift; p="${HOME}/devel/proto/aej"; a=("${p}/daejana.o"); for k in $*; do a+=("${p}/${k}.o"); done; ↪ if gcc -c "-I${p}" "${t}.c" && gcc -o "${t}" $a[@] "${t}.o"; then "./${t}"; rm "${t}" "${t}".o; fi; fi; }' alias ccb='function { local a p t; if [[ 0 < ${#} ]]; then t=${1}; shift; p="${HOME}/devel/proto/aej"; a=("${p}/daejana.o"); for k in $*; do a+=("${p}/${k}.o"); done; ↪ gcc -c "-I${p}" "${t}.c" && gcc -o "${t}" $a[@] "${t}.o"; rm "${t}".o; fi; }' alias ccc="gcc -c -I${HOME}/devel/proto/aej" alias cmr='function { local t u; if [[ 0 < ${#} ]]; then t=${1}; shift; fi; u=""; for k in daejana $*; do if ! make -r --directory="${HOME}/devel/proto/aej" -s ↪ "${k}.o"; then make -r --directory="${HOME}/devel/proto/aej" -s clean; break; fi; done; if [[ -r "${HOME}/devel/proto/aej/daejana.o" ]]; then if ↪ make -r -s ${t}; then "./${t}"; fi; make -r -s clean; fi; }' alias cmk='function { local t u; if [[ 0 < ${#} ]]; then t=${1}; shift; fi; u=""; for k in daejana $*; do if ! make -r --directory="${HOME}/devel/proto/aej" -s ↪ "${k}.o"; then make -r --directory="${HOME}/devel/proto/aej" -s clean; break; fi; done; if [[ -r "${HOME}/devel/proto/aej/daejana.o" ]]; then ↪ if ! make -r -s ${t}; then make -r -s clean; else rm ${t}.o; fi; fi; }' # ~/.zshrc % cda ~/devel/proto/aej % pp daejana.c daejana.h #define DAEJANA_C #include <daejana.h> bool_t error_flag; const flt_t flt_epsilon = flt_c(DBL_EPSILON * 10.0); int_t int_max (int_t l, int_t r) { if (l < r) { return r; } return l; } int_t int_min (int_t l, int_t r) { if (l < r) { return l; } return r; } bool_t int_within (int_t l, int_t m, int_t r) { return !( m < l || r < m); } void int_swap (int_t * c, int_t * d) { int_t b; b = * c; * c = * d; * d = b; return; } void int_rol_3 (int_t * c, int_t * d, int_t * e) { int_t b; b = * c; * c = * d; * d = * e; * e = b; return; } void int_rol_4 (int_t * c, int_t * d, int_t * e, int_t * f) { int_t b; b = * c; * c = * d; * d = * e; * e = * f; * f = b; return; } void int_ror_3 (int_t * c, int_t * d, int_t * e) { int_t b; b = * e; * e = * d; * d = * c; * c = b; return; } void int_ror_4 (int_t * c, int_t * d, int_t * e, int_t * f) { int_t b; b = * f; * f = * e; * e = * d; * d = * c; * c = b; return; } void vptr_swap (vptr_t * c, vptr_t * d) { vptr_t b; b = * c; * c = * d; * d = b; return; } void vptr_rol_3 (vptr_t * c, vptr_t * d, vptr_t * e) { vptr_t b; b = * c; * c = * d; * d = * e; * e = b; return; } void vptr_rol_4 (vptr_t * c, vptr_t * d, vptr_t * e, vptr_t * f) { vptr_t b; b = * c; * c = * d; * d = * e; * e = * f; * f = b; return; } void vptr_ror_3 (vptr_t * c, vptr_t * d, vptr_t * e) { vptr_t b; b = * e; * e = * d; * d = * c; * c = b; return; } void vptr_ror_4 (vptr_t * c, vptr_t * d, vptr_t * e, vptr_t * f) { vptr_t b; b = * f; * f = * e; * e = * d; * d = * c; * c = b; return; } flt_t flt_max (flt_t l, flt_t r) { if (flt_compare(l, r) < 0) { return r; } return l; } flt_t flt_min (flt_t l, flt_t r) { if (flt_compare(l, r) < 0) { return l; } return r; } int_t flt_compare (flt_t l, flt_t r) { flt_t d; d = l - r; if (flt_epsilon < fabs(d)) { if (signbit(d) == 0) { return 1; } return -1; } return 0; } bool_t flt_within (flt_t l, flt_t m, flt_t r) { return !( flt_compare(m, l) < 0 || flt_compare(r, m) < 0); } int_t mbs_length (const char * s) { uint8_t h; int_t d; int_t n; n = 0; d = 0; h = s[0]; while (!( h == 0x00)) { n += 1; if ((h & 0xf0) == 0xf0) { d += 4; } else if ((h & 0xe0) == 0xe0) { d += 3; } else if ((h & 0xc0) == 0xc0) { d += 2; } else { d += 1; } h = s[d]; } return n; } void mbs_getk (const char * s, int_t * n, uint_t * k) { uint8_t h; int_t d; h = s[0]; if ((h & 0xf0) == 0xf0) { d = 4; } else if ((h & 0xe0) == 0xe0) { d = 3; } else if ((h & 0xc0) == 0xc0) { d = 2; } else if (0x00 < h) { d = 1; } else { * n = 0; * k = 0; return; } * k = 0; strncpy(char_ptr_c( k), s, d); * n = d; return; } uint_t rseed (void) { time_t tm = time(NULL); struct tm * now = localtime(&tm); return (uint_c( now->tm_sec) << 26 | uint_c( now->tm_min) << 21 | uint_c( now->tm_hour) << 17 | uint_c( now->tm_mday) << 13 | uint_c( now->tm_mon) << 10 | ↪ uint_c( now->tm_wday) << 3 | uint_c( now->tm_year) + uint_c( clock())) & 0x7fffffff; } // daejana.c #ifndef DAEJANA_H #define DAEJANA_H #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <float.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> typedef int64_t int_t; typedef uint64_t uint_t; typedef uint8_t uchar_t; typedef double flt_t; typedef bool bool_t; typedef void * vptr_t; typedef void (* proc_t) (void); typedef void * (* vptr_proc_t) (void); typedef void * (* vptr_proc_vptr_t) (vptr_t); #define int_c(Q) ((int_t)( Q)) #define uint_c(Q) ((uint_t)( Q)) #define uchar_c(Q) ((uchar_t)( Q)) #define flt_c(Q) ((flt_t)( Q)) #define vptr_c(Q) ((vptr_t)( Q)) #define vptr_ptr_c(Q) ((vptr_t *)( Q)) #define int_ptr_c(Q) ((int_t *)( Q)) #define uint_ptr_c(Q) ((uint_t *)( Q)) #define char_ptr_c(Q) ((char *)( Q)) #define const_char_ptr_c(Q) ((const char *)( Q)) #define uchar_ptr_c(Q) ((uchar_t *)( Q)) #define ouch(...) fprintf(stderr, "\n** " __FILE__ " (%d)", __LINE__); fprintf(stderr, strlen("" # __VA_ARGS__) == 0 ? ": Ouch! \xe2\x98\xa0\n" : strlen("" # ↪ __VA_ARGS__) == 2 ? ";\n" : ": " __VA_ARGS__); error_flag = true #define m_pad int_c( 8192) #ifndef DAEJANA_C extern bool_t error_flag; extern const flt_t flt_epsilon; #endif int_t int_max (int_t, int_t); int_t int_min (int_t, int_t); bool_t int_within (int_t, int_t, int_t); void int_swap (int_t *, int_t *); void int_rol_3 (int_t *, int_t *, int_t *); void int_rol_4 (int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *); void int_ror_3 (int_t *, int_t *, int_t *); void int_ror_4 (int_t *, int_t *, int_t *, int_t *); void vptr_swap (vptr_t *, vptr_t *); void vptr_rol_3 (vptr_t *, vptr_t *, vptr_t *); void vptr_rol_4 (vptr_t *, vptr_t *, vptr_t *, vptr_t *); void vptr_ror_3 (vptr_t *, vptr_t *, vptr_t *); void vptr_ror_4 (vptr_t *, vptr_t *, vptr_t *, vptr_t *); flt_t flt_max (flt_t, flt_t); int_t flt_compare (flt_t, flt_t); flt_t flt_min (flt_t, flt_t); bool_t flt_within (flt_t, flt_t, flt_t); int_t mbs_length (const char *); void mbs_getk (const char *, int_t *, uint_t *); uint_t rseed (void); #endif // daejana.h % pp daejana.make makefile SHELL = zsh PROTO = $(HOME)/devel/proto/aej # ~/devel/proto/aej/daejana.make include $(HOME)/devel/proto/aej/daejana.make daejana.o : daejana.c gcc -c -I$(PROTO) $< xxx.o : xxx.c gcc -c -I$(PROTO) $< .PHONY clean : @for k in daejana.o xxx.o; do if [[ -r $$k ]]; then rm $$k; fi; done # ~/devel/proto/aej/makefile % pp daejana.rkt #lang racket/base (provide exit-state ouch! elsif if… within swap) (define exit-state 0) (define (ouch! . t) (let ((p (current-error-port))) (display "\n** Ouch! " p) (display #\u2620 p) (for-each (lambda (s) (display " " p) (display s p)) t) (newline p)) (set! exit-state 128)) (define-syntax elsif (syntax-rules (then else) ((_ I (then II ...)) (if I (begin II ...) (void))) ((_ I (then II ...) (else III ...)) (if I (begin II ...) (begin III ...))) ((_ I (then II ...) (_ III ...)) (if I (begin II ...) (elsif III ...))))) (define-syntax if… (syntax-rules () ((_ I ...) (elsif I ...)))) (define (within l m r) (not (or (< m l) (< r m))) ) (define (swap c d . t) (let loop ( (e c) (f d) (r t) ) (let ( (b (mcar e)) ) (set-mcar! e (mcar f)) (set-mcar! f b) ) (if… (not (null? r)) (then (loop f (car r) (cdr r)) )) ) ) ; daejana.rkt % pp open Float let phi = (sqrt 5.0 +. 1.0) /. 2.0 let pi = atan 1.0 *. 4.0 (* *) % pp import sys from math import * phi = (sqrt(5.0) + 1.0) / 2.0 pi = atan(1.0) * 4.0 # % cds ~/devel/sleek % pp makefile include $(HOME)/devel/proto/aej/daejana.make .SILENT usage : printf "Usage:\n\n make target\n make clean\n\n" xxx_m.o : xxx_m.c gcc -c -I$(PROTO) $< xxx_m : xxx_m.o gcc -o $@ $(PROTO)/daejana.o $(PROTO)/xxx.o $< .PHONY clean : @for k in xxx_m xxx_m.o; do if [[ -r $$k ]]; then rm $$k; fi; done # ~/devel/sleek/makefile % pp ~/opt/bin/nst #!/usr/bin/python3 import os.path import sys import sysconfig if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.exit() h = os.environ['HOME'] r = "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin’s Mac Studio/Templates/" is_main = False i_argv = 1 if sys.argv[i_argv] == "-m": is_main = True i_argv += 1 while i_argv < len(sys.argv): t = os.path.basename(sys.argv[i_argv]).split(".") if 1 < len(t): if t[0] != "": f, e = ".".join(t[:-1]), "." + t[-1] else: f, e = "." + t[1], "" else: f, e = t[0], "" if e == ".adb": if is_main: b = "ada_main" d = "_".join([x.capitalize() for x in b.split("_")]) a = [] for l in [x.capitalize() for x in f.split("-")]: a += ["_".join([x.capitalize() for x in l.split("_")])] c = ".".join(a) for k in open(r + b + e): # print(k.rstrip().replace(d, c).replace(b, f)) print(k.rstrip().replace(d, c)) else: b = "ada_body" d = "_".join([x.capitalize() for x in b.split("_")]) a = [] for l in [x.capitalize() for x in f.split("-")]: a += ["_".join([x.capitalize() for x in l.split("_")])] c = ".".join(a) for k in open(r + b + e): # print(k.rstrip().replace(d, c).replace(b, f)) print(k.rstrip().replace(d, c)) elif e == ".ads": b = "ada_spec" d = "_".join([x.capitalize() for x in b.split("_")]) a = [] for l in [x.capitalize() for x in f.split("-")]: a += ["_".join([x.capitalize() for x in l.split("_")])] c = ".".join(a) for k in open(r + b + e): # print(k.rstrip().replace(d, c).replace(b, f)) print(k.rstrip().replace(d, c)) elif e == ".asm": … elif e == ".inc": … elif e == ".bat": … elif e == ".c": if is_main: b = "c_main" # d = b.upper() # c = f.upper() for k in open(r + b + e): # print(k.rstrip().replace(d, c).replace(b, f)) print(k.rstrip().replace(b, f)) else: b = "c_body" d = b.upper() c = f.upper() for k in open(r + b + e): print(k.rstrip().replace(d, c).replace(b, f)) elif e == ".h": b = "c_spec" d = b.upper() c = f.upper() for k in open(r + b + e): print(k.rstrip().replace(d, c).replace(b, f)) elif e == ".css": … elif e == ".emf": … elif e == ".forth" or (e == ".sf" or e == ".f") and is_main: … elif e == ".sf": … elif e == ".html": … elif e == ".l": … elif f == "makefile" or f == "Makefile" or e == ".make" or e == ".mak" or e == ".wmk": c = os.path.dirname(r).replace(h, "~") + "/" d = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[i_argv]).replace(h, "~") + "/" for k in open(r + "makefile"): print(k.rstrip().replace(c, d)) elif e == ".ocaml" or e == ".ml" and is_main: if e == ".ocaml": print("#!/opt/local/bin/ocamlrun /opt/local/bin/ocaml\n") b = "ocaml_script" for k in open(r + b + ".ocaml"): print(k.rstrip().replace(b, f).replace(".ocaml", e)) elif e == ".ml": b = "ocaml_imple" for k in open(r + b + e): print(k.rstrip().replace(b, f)) elif e == ".php": … elif e == ".python" or e == ".py" and is_main: if e == ".python": print("#!/usr/bin/python3\n") b = "python_script" for k in open(r + b + ".python"): print(k.rstrip().replace(b, f)) elif e == ".py": b = "python_imple" for k in open(r + b + e): print(k.rstrip().replace(b, f)) elif e == ".raku" or e == ".pm" and is_main: … elif e == ".pm": … elif e == ".racket" or e == ".rkt" and is_main: if e == ".racket": print("#!/Users/daejana/opt/bin/racket") b = "racket_script" for k in open(r + b + ".racket"): print(k.rstrip().replace(b, f).replace(".racket", e)) elif e == ".rkt": b = "racket_imple" for k in open(r + b + e): print(k.rstrip().replace(b, f)) elif e == ".guile" or e == ".scm" and is_main: if e == ".guile": print("#!/opt/local/bin/guile -s") print("!#") b = "guile_script" for k in open(r + b + ".guile"): print(k.rstrip().replace(b, f).replace(".guile", e)) elif e == ".scm" or e == "sld": b = "guile_imple" for k in open(r + b + ".scm"): print(k.rstrip().replace(b, f).replace(".scm", e)) elif e == ".sql": … elif e == ".swift": if is_main: b = "swift_main" else: b = "swift_imple" for k in open(r + b + e): print(k.rstrip().replace(b, f)) elif e == ".txt" or e == ".log": b = "text_file" for k in open(r + b + ".txt"): print(k.rstrip().replace(b, f).replace(".txt", e)) elif e == ".vim": … elif e == ".xml": … elif e == ".y": … elif e == ".zsh" or e == "": if e == ".zsh": print("#!/usr/bin/zsh\n") b = "zsh_script" for k in open(r + b + ".zsh"): print(k.rstrip().replace(b, f)) else: d = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[i_argv]).replace(h, "~") if not (d == ""): d += "/" print("\n\n;*\t" + d + f + e) i_argv += 1 # nst % pp "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin?<0080><0099>s Mac Studio/Templates"/ada_body.adb with Ada.Text_IO; with Aej.Daejana; package body Ada_Body is use Ada; use Text_IO; use Aej; use Daejana; end Ada_Body; % pp "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin?<0080><0099>s Mac Studio/Templates"/ada_spec.adb Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 4, in <module> FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin’s Mac Studio/Templates/ada_spec.adb' % pp "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin?<0080><0099>s Mac Studio/Templates"/ with Ada.Text_IO; with Aej.Daejana; package Ada_Spec is use Ada; use Text_IO; use Aej; use Daejana; -- private end Ada_Spec; % pp "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin?<0080><0099>s Mac Studio/Templates"/ada_main.adb with Ada.Command_Line; with Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Text_IO; with Aej.Daejana; procedure Ada_Main is use Ada; use Text_IO; use Aej; use Daejana; use Int_IO; -- use Uint_IO; -- use Flt_IO; -- use Flt_G_E_F; use type Int_T; -- use type Uint_T; -- use type Flt_T; begin Command_Line.Set_Exit_Status(Command_Line.Success); New_Line; Put(";"); New_Line; New_Line; return; exception when E : others => New_Line(Standard_Error); New_Line(Standard_Error); Put(Standard_Error, "** "); Put(Standard_Error, Exceptions.Exception_Name(E)); Put(Standard_Error, "! ("); Put(Standard_Error, Exceptions.Exception_Message(E)); Put(Standard_Error, ")"); New_Line(Standard_Error); New_Line; Command_Line.Set_Exit_Status(Command_Line.Failure); end Ada_Main; % pp "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin?<0080><0099>s Mac Studio/Templates"/c_body.c #define C_BODY_C #include <c_body.h> // c_body.c % pp "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin?<0080><0099>s Mac Studio/Templates"/c_spec.h #ifndef C_SPEC_H #define C_SPEC_H #include <daejana.h> #ifndef C_SPEC_C #endif #endif // c_spec.h % pp "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin?<0080><0099>s Mac Studio/Templates"/c_main.c #include <chars.h> static void probe_01 (void); static void probe_01 (void) { printf(";\n"); return; } int main (int argc, char * argv []) { error_flag = false; printf("\n"); probe_01(); printf("\n"); if (error_flag) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // c_main.c % pp "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin?<0080><0099>s Mac Studio/Templates"/racket_imple.rkt #lang racket/base ;(provide ) ; racket_imple.rkt % pp "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin?<0080><0099>s Mac Studio/Templates"/racket_script.racket #lang racket/base (require aej/daejana) ((lambda () (newline) (display ";") (newline) (newline) (exit exit-state) ) ) ;* racket_script.racket % pp "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin?<0080><0099>s Mac Studio/Templates"/ (* *) % pp "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin?<0080><0099>s Mac Studio/Templates"/ocaml_script.ocaml #mod_use "aej/" ;; open Daejana let _ = ignore () (* ocaml_script.ocaml *) % pp "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin?<0080><0099>s Mac Studio/Templates"/ if __name__ == '__main__': pass # % pp "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin?<0080><0099>s Mac Studio/Templates"/python_script.python from aej.daejana import * # ~/opt/bin/python_script % pp "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin?<0080><0099>s Mac Studio/Templates"/swift_imple.swift // swift_imple.swift % pp "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin?<0080><0099>s Mac Studio/Templates"/swift_main.swift enum swift_main { static let main = { (_ t : [String]) -> Void in print(t.reduce("swift_main", { x, y in x + "\u{20}" + y }) + " \u{2026}") print() return } } // swift_main.swift % pp "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin?<0080><0099>s Mac Studio/Templates"/zsh_script.zsh # ~/opt/bin/zsh_script % pp "/Users/daejana/Documents/Documents - Armin?<0080><0099>s Mac Studio/Templates"/text_file.txt ;* *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** ;* *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** ;* text_file.txt % cd "/Users/daejana/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/User" % pp Preferences.sublime-settings Default\ \(OSX\).sublime-keymap Cut\ to\ Hard\ EOL.sublime-macro Plain\ text.sublime-settings { "color_scheme": "Lunatized (dark).sublime-color-scheme", "dark_color_scheme": "Lunatized (dark).sublime-color-scheme", "light_color_scheme": "Lunatized (light).sublime-color-scheme", "font_face": "Andale Mono", "font_size": 22, "auto_complete": false, "auto_indent": false, "auto_match_enabled": false, "copy_with_empty_selection": false, "detect_indentation": false, "draw_centered": false, "ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true, "gutter": false, "highlight_line": true, "indent_subsequent_lines": true, "line_numbers": false, "scroll_past_end": false, "shift_tab_unindent": true, "show_definitions": false, "show_tab_close_buttons": false, "tab_completion": false, "tab_size": 3, "translate_tabs_to_spaces": false, "trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true, "use_tab_stops": true, "word_wrap": false, "wrap_width": 159, } [ { "keys": ["alt+space"], "command": "snippet" }, { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+k"], "command": "run_macro_file", "args": { "file": "res://Packages/User/Cut to Hard EOL.sublime-macro"} } ] [ { "args": { "extend": true, "to": "hardeol" }, "command": "move_to" }, { "args": null, "command": "cut" } ] { "extensions": [ "adb", "ads", "c", "h", "rkt", "ml", "swift", "py", "php", "html", "log", "sublime-settings", "sublime-keymap", "sublime-macro" ] } import sublime import sublime_plugin import os.path import re import time class snippetCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self, edit): t = os.path.basename(self.view.file_name()).split(".") if 1 < len(t): if t[0] != "": f, e = ".".join(t[:-1]), "." + t[-1] else: f, e = "." + t[1], "" else: f, e = t[0], "" s0 = self.view.line(self.view.sel()[0].begin()) # {} → block, braces # () → block, parentheses # [] → block, brackets mr ="^([\t ]*)\\{\\}[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # block, braces if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "{\n" + s1 + "\t${0}\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\(\\)[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # block, parentheses if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "(\n" + s1 + "\t${0}\n" + s1 + ")"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\[\\][\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # block, brackets if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "[\n" + s1 + "\t${0}\n" + s1 + "]"}) return None if not ( e == ".html" or e == ".php"): # ^l → right # ^k → up # ^h → left # ^j → down mr ="^([\t ]*)\\^l[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # right if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "\u2192${0}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\^k[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # up if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "\u2191${0}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\^h[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # left if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "\u2190${0}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\^j[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # down if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "\u2193${0}"}) return None if e == ".adb": # ada # ; → procedure, no params # k; → procedure, k int params; (k := 1 .. 9) # : → int function, no params # k: → int function, k int params; (k := 1 .. 9) # = → int function, inline, no params # k= → int function, inline, k int params; (k := 1 .. 9) # , → int_t # ? → if # ?: → if, else # ?? → if, elsif # ??: → if, elsif, else # ?! → if not # ?= → if null # | → switch # @+ → loop, plus # @- → loop, minus # @~ → loop, exit # @_ → loop, for mr ="^([\t ]*)([1-9]?);[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ; → procedure, no params # k; → procedure, k int params; (k := 1 .. 9) if mr: s1 = s2 = "" if not == "": s2 = " ( : Int_T" n = int( k = 1 while k < n: s2 += "; : Int_T" k += 1 s2 += ")" self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "procedure ${0}" + s2 + ";\n" + s1 + "procedure ${0}" + s2 + " is\n" + s1 + "\n" + s1 ↪ + "begin\n" + s1 + "\n" + s1 + "\treturn;\n\n" + s1 + "end ${0};"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)([1-9]?):[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # : → int function, no params # k: → int function, k int params; (k := 1 .. 9) if mr: s1 = s2 = "" if not == "": s2 = " ( : Int_T" n = int( k = 1 while k < n: s2 += "; : Int_T" k += 1 s2 += ")" self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "function ${0}" + s2 + " return Int_T;\n" + s1 + "function ${0}" + s2 + " return Int_T is\n" ↪ + s1 + "\n" + s1 + "begin\n" + s1 + "\n" + s1 + "\treturn 0;\n\n" + s1 + "end ${0};"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)([1-9]?)=[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # = → int function, inline, no params # k= → int function, inline, k int params; ↪ (k := 1 .. 9) if mr: s1 = s2 = "" if not == "": s2 = " ( : Int_T" n = int( k = 1 while k < n: s2 += "; : Int_T" k += 1 s2 += ")" self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "function ${0}" + s2 + " return Int_T;\n" + s1 + "function ${0}" + s2 + " return Int_T is ↪ begin\n" + s1 + "\t" + s1 + "\t\treturn 0; end ${0};"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*),[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # , → int_t if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "${0} : Int_T;"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ? → if if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "if ${0} then\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "end if;"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?:[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ?: → if, else if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "if ${0} then\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "else\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "end if;"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?\\?[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ?? → if, elsif if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "if ${0} then\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "elsif then\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "end if;"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?\\?:[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ??: → if, elsif, else if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "if ${0} then\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "elsif then\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "else\n" + s1 ↪ + "\t;\n" + s1 + "end if;"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?![\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ?! → if not if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "if not( ${0}) then Ouch; return; end if;\n"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?=[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ?= → if null if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "if ${0} == null then Ouch; return; end if;\n"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\|[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # | → switch if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "case ${0} is\n" + s1 + "\twhen =>\n" + s1 + "\t\t;\n" + s1 + "\twhen =>\n" + s1 ↪ + "\t\t;\n" + s1 + "\twhen others =>\n" + s1 + "\t\t;\n" + s1 + "end case;"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)@\\+[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # @+ → loop, plus if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "K := 0;\n" + s1 + "while K < ${0} loop\n" + s1 + "\t;\n\n" + s1 + "\tK := K + 1;\n" + s1 ↪ + "end loop;"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)@-[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # @- → loop, minus if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "K := ${0};\n" + s1 + "while -1 < K loop\n" + s1 + "\t;\n\n" + s1 + "\tK := K - 1;\n" + s1 ↪ + "end loop;"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)@~[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # @~ → loop, exit if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "Ll: loop\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "\texit Ll when ${0};\n\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 ↪ + "end loop Ll;"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)@_[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # @_ → loop, for if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "for K in ${0} loop\n" + s1 + "\t;\n\n" + s1 ↪ + "end loop;"}) return None pass elif e == ".asm": # asm # : → proc, no params # k: → proc, k params; (k := 1 + 3) # , → int # ? → if # ?: → if, else # ??: → if, elsif, else # ?! → if not # ?= → if null # | → switch # @+ → loop, plus # @- → loop, minus # @~ → loop, exit mr ="^([1-3]?):[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # : → proc, no params # k: → proc, k params; (k := 1 .. 3) if mr: s1 = "extern ${0}:proc ; ()\n" + "${0} proc public ; ()\n" + "\t\t\tpush bp\n" + "\t\t\tmov bp,sp\n" if not == "": n = int( k = 0 while k < n: s1 += chr(88 + k) + "=" + chr(48 + 4 + 2 * k) + "\n" k += 1 self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "\t\t;\tsub sp,0\n" + "\t\t\tpush bx\n\n" + "\t\t\t;\n\n" + "\t\t\tpop bx\n" ↪ + "\t\t\tmov sp,bp\n" + "\t\t\tpop bp\n" + "\t\t\tret\n\n" + "${0} endp"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]+),[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # , → int if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + ",[${0}+bp]"}) return None # mr ="^([\t ]*)\?[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ? → if # mr ="^([\t ]*)\?:[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ?: → if, else # mr ="^([\t ]*)\?\?:[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ??: → if, elsif, else # mr ="^([\t ]*)\?![\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ?! → if not # mr ="^([\t ]*)\?=[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ?= → if null # mr ="^([\t ]*)\|[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # | → switch mr ="^[\t ]*@\\+[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # @+ → loop, plus if mr: self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': "\t\t\txor cx,cx\n" + "\t\t\tjmp Lll\\$xxx\n\n" + "Ll\\$xxx:\n" + "\t\t\t;\n" + "\t\t\tinc cx\n\n" ↪ + "Lll\\$xxx:\n" + "\t\t\tcmp cx,${0}\n" + "\t\t\tjl Ll\\$xxx"}) return None mr ="^[\t ]*@-[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # @- loop, minus if mr: self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': "\t\t\tmov cx,${0}\n" + "\t\t\tjmp Lll\\$xxx\n\n" + "Ll\\$xxx:\n" + "\t\t\t;\n\n" + "Lll\\$xxx:\n" ↪ + "\t\t\tdec cx\n" + "\t\t\tcmp cx,0\n" + "\t\t\tjnl Ll\\$xxx"}) return None mr ="^[\t ]*@~[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # @~ loop, exit if mr: self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': "\t\t\tmov cx,1\n" + "Ll\\$xxx:\n" + "\t\t\t;${0}\n" + "\t\t;\txor cx,cx\n" + "\t\t\t;\n" ↪ + "\t\t\tcmp cx,0\n" + "\t\t\tje Lll\\$xxx\n" + "\t\t\t;\n" + "\t\t\tjmp Ll\\$xxx\n\n" + "Lll\\$xxx:"}) return None pass elif e == ".bat": # dosbatch pass elif e == ".c": # c # s → static # ; → void function, no params # k; → void function, k int params; (k := 1 + 9) # : → int function, no params # k: → int function, k int params; (k := 1 + 9) # = → int function, inline, no params # k= → int function, inline, k int params; (k := 1 + 9) # , → int_t # * → struct # ? → if # ?: → if, else # ?? → if, elsif # ??: → if, elsif, else # ?! → if not # ?= → if null # | → switch # @+ → loop, plus # @- → loop, minus # @~ → loop, exit mr ="^s[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # s → static if mr: self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': "static "}) return None mr ="^([1-9]?);[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ; → void function, no params # k; → void function, k int params; (k := 1 .. 9) if mr: s1 = " (" if == "": s1 += "void" else: s1 += "int_t" n = int( k = 1 while k < n: s1 += ", int_t" k += 1 s1 += ")" self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': "void ${0}" + s1 + ";\n" + "void\n" + "${0}" + s1 + "\n" + "{\n\n" + "\t;\n\n" + "\treturn;\n\n" ↪ + "}"}) return None mr ="^([1-9]?);[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ; → void function, no params # k; → void function, k int params; (k := 1 .. 9) if mr: s1 = " (" if == "": s1 += "void" else: s1 += "int_t" n = int( k = 1 while k < n: s1 += ", int_t" k += 1 s1 += ")" self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': "void ${0}" + s1 + ";\n" + "void\n" + "${0}" + s1 + "\n" + "{\n\n" + "\t;\n\n" + "\treturn;\n\n" ↪ + "}"}) return None mr ="^([1-9]?):[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # : → int function, no params # k: → int function, k int params; (k := 1 .. 9) if mr: s1 = " (" if == "": s1 += "void" else: s1 += "int_t" n = int( k = 1 while k < n: s1 += ", int_t" k += 1 s1 += ")" self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': "int_t ${0}" + s1 + ";\n" + "int_t\n" + "${0}" + s1 + "\n" + "{\n\n" + "\t;\n\n" ↪ + "\treturn 0;\n\n" + "}"}) return None mr ="^([1-9]?)=[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # = → int function, inline, no params # k= → int function, inline, k int params; (k := 1 .. 9) if mr: s1 = " (" if == "": s1 += "void" else: s1 += "int_t" n = int( k = 1 while k < n: s1 += ", int_t" k += 1 s1 += ")" self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': "int_t ${0}" + s1 + ";\n" + "int_t\n" + "${0}" + s1 + " {\n" + "\t\t;\n" ↪ + "\t\treturn 0; }"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*),[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # , → int_t if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "int_t ${0}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\*[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # * → struct if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "typedef struct {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "} ${0}_st, * ${0}_t;"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ? → if if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "if (${0}) {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?:[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ?: → if, else if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "if (${0}) {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}\n" + s1 + "else {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?\\?[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ?? → if, elsif if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "if (${0}) {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}\n" + s1 + "else if () {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 ↪ + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?\\?:[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ??: → if, elsif, else if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "if (${0}) {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}\n" + s1 + "else if () {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 ↪ + "}\n" + s1 + "else {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?![\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ?! → if not if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "if (!( ${0})) { ouch(); return; }\n"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?=[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ?= → if null if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "if (( ${0}) == NULL) { ouch(); return; }\n"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\|[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # | → switch if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "switch (${0}) {\n\n" + s1 + "\tcase :\n" + s1 + "\t\t;\n" + s1 + "\t\tbreak;\n\n" + s1 ↪ + "\tcase :\n" + s1 + "\t\t;\n" + s1 + "\t\tbreak;\n\n" + s1 + "\tdefault:\n" + s1 + "\t\t;\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)@\\+[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # @+ → loop, plus if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "k = 0;\n" + s1 + "while (k < ${0}) {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "\tk += 1;\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)@-[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # @- → loop, minus if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "k = ${0};\n" + s1 + "while (-1 < k) {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "\tk -= 1;\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)@~[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # @~ → loop, exit if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "while (true) {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "\tif (${0}) {\n" + s1 + "\t\tgoto Ll;\n\n" + s1 ↪ + "\t}\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}\n" + "Ll:"}) return None pass elif e == ".css": # css pass elif e == ".emf": # emf pass elif e == ".sf" or e == ".f": # forth pass elif e == ".wf" or e == ".fth": # wforth pass elif e == ".lex": # lex pass elif f == "makefile" or f == "Makefile" or e == ".mak" or e == ".wmk": # make pass elif e == ".ocaml" or e == ".ml": # ocaml pass elif e == ".python" or e == ".py": # python pass elif e == ".raku" or e == ".pm": # raku pass elif e == ".racket" or e == ".rkt" or e == ".scheme" or e == ".ss" or e == ".sps" or e == ".sls" or e == ".guile" or e == ".scm" or e == ".sld": # racket, scheme, guile # : → define # = → lambda # , → let # ? → if # ?: → if, else # ?? → if, elsif # ??: → if, elsif, else # @+ → loop, plus # @- → loop, minus # @~ → loop, cdr mr ="^([\t ]*):[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # : → define if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "(define (${0})\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + ")"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)=[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # = → lambda if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "(lambda (${0})\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + ")"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*),[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # , → let if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "(let (\n" + s1 + "\t\t(${0})\n" + s1 + "\t)\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + ")"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ? → if if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "(if… (${0}) (then\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "))"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?:[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ?: → if, else if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "(if… (${0}) (then\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + ")\n" + s1 + "(else\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 ↪ + "))"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?\\?[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ?? → if, elsif if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "(if… (${0}) (then\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + ")\n" + s1 + "(elsif () (then\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" ↪ + s1 + ")))"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?\\?:[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ??: → if, elsif, else if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "(if… (${0}) (then\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + ")\n" + s1 + "(elsif () (then\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" ↪ + s1 + ")\n" + s1 + "(else\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + ")))"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)@\\+[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # @+ → loop, plus if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "(let loop (\n" + s1 + "\t\t(k 0)\n" + s1 + "\t)\n" + s1 + "\t(if… (< k ${0}) (then\n" + s1 ↪ + "\t\t;\n" + s1 + "\t\t(loop (+ k 1))\n" + s1 + "\t)\n" + s1 + "\t(else\n" + s1 + "\t\t;\n" + s1 + "\t))\n" + s1 + ")"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)@-[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # @- → loop, minus if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "(let loop (\n" + s1 + "\t\t(k ${0})\n" + s1 + "\t)\n" + s1 + "\t(if… (< 0 k) (then\n" + s1 ↪ + "\t\t;\n" + s1 + "\t\t(loop (- k 1))\n" + s1 + "\t)\n" + s1 + "\t(else\n" + s1 + "\t\t;\n" + s1 + "\t))\n" + s1 + ")"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)@~[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # @~ → loop, cdr if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "(let loop (\n" + s1 + "\t\t(r ${0})\n" + s1 + "\t)\n" + s1 + "\t(if… (not (null? r)) ↪ (then\n" + s1 + "\t\t;\n" + s1 + "\t\t(loop (cdr r))\n" + s1 + "\t)\n" + s1 + "\t(else\n" + s1 + "\t\t;\n" + s1 + "\t))\n" + s1 + ")"}) return None pass elif e == ".sql": # sql pass elif e == ".swift": # swift # p → private # s → static # ; → void function, no params # k; → void function, k int params; (k := 1 + 9) # : → int function, no params # k: → int function, k int params; (k := 1 + 9) # = → int function, inline, no params # k= → int function, inline, k int params; (k := 1 + 9) # , → int_t # e → enum # * → struct # c → class # ? → if # ?: → if, else # ?? → if, elsif # ??: → if, elsif, else # ?! → if not # ?= → if null # | → switch # @+ → loop, plus # @- → loop, minus # @~ → loop, exit # @_ → loop, for mr ="^([\t ]*)p[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # p → private if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "private "}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)s[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # s → static if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "static "}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)([1-9]?);[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ; → void function, no params # k; → void function, k int params; (k := 1 .. 9) if mr: s1 = s2 = "(" if != "": s2 += "_ : Int" n = int( k = 1 while k < n: s2 += ", _ : Int" k += 1 s2 += ")" self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "func ${0} " + s2 + " -> Void\n" + s1 + "{\n\n" + s1 + "\treturn\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)([1-9]?):[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # : → int function, no params # k: → int function, k int params; (k := 1 .. 9) if mr: s1 = s2 = "(" if != "": s2 += "_ : Int" n = int( k = 1 while k < n: s2 += ", _ : Int" k += 1 s2 += ")" self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "func ${0} " + s2 + " -> Int\n" + s1 + "{\n\n" + s1 + "\treturn 0\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)([1-9]?)=[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # = → int function, inline, no params # k= → int function, inline, k int params; ↪ (k := 1 .. 9) if mr: s1 = s2 = "(" if != "": s2 += "_ : Int" n = int( k = 1 while k < n: s2 += ", _ : Int" k += 1 s2 += ")" self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "func ${0} " + s2 + " -> Int {\n" + s1 + "\t\t;\n" + s1 + "\t\treturn 0 }"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*),[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # , → Int if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "var ${0} : Int"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)e[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # e → enum if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "enum ${0} {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\*[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # * → struct if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "struct ${0} {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)c[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # c → class if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "class ${0} {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ? → if if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "if ${0} {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?:[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ?: → if, else if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "if ${0} {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}\n" + s1 + "else {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?\\?[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ?? → if, elsif if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "if ${0} {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}\n" + s1 + "else if {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?\\?:[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ??: → if, elsif, else if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "if ${0} {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}\n" + s1 + "else if {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}\n" ↪ + s1 + "else {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?![\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ?! → guard if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "guard ${0} else { ouch(); return }\n"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\?=[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ?= → do try if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "do { try ${0} } catch { ouch(); return }\n"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\|[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # | → switch if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "switch (${0}) {\n\n" + s1 + "\tcase :\n" + s1 + "\t\t;\n\n" + s1 + "\tcase :\n" + s1 ↪ + "\t\t;\n\n" + s1 + "\tdefault:\n" + s1 + "\t\t;\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)@\\+[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # @+ → loop, plus if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "k = 0\n" + s1 + "while k < ${0} {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "\tk += 1\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)@-[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # @- → loop, minus if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "k = ${0}\n" + s1 + "while -1 < k {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "\tk -= 1\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)@~[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # @~ → loop, exit if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "Ll: while true {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "\tif ${0} {\n" + s1 + "\t\tbreak Ll;\n" + s1 ↪ + "\t}\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)@_[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # @_ → loop, for if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "for k in ${0} {\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "}"}) return None pass elif e == ".vim" or f == ".vimrc": # vim pass elif e == ".xml": # xml pass elif e == ".yacc": # yacc pass elif e == ".zsh" or f == ".zlogin" or f == ".zshrc": # zsh pass elif e == ".html" or e == ".php" or e == ".txt" or e == ".log": # text, html, php # …\\ → …¯ # a¯ → ā # A¯ → Ā # e¯ → ē # E¯ → Ē # i¯ → ī # I¯ → Ī # o¯ → ō # O¯ → Ō # u¯ → ū # U¯ → Ū # y¯ → ȳ # Y¯ → Ȳ # oe| → œ mr ="^(.*)([aAeEiIoOuUyY])\\\\\\\\[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # macron if mr: s1 = s2 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + s2 + "¯${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)a¯[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # a macron if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "ā${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)A¯[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # A macron if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "Ā${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)e¯[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # e macron if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "ē${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)E¯[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # E macron if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "Ē${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)i¯[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # i macron if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "ī${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)I¯[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # I macron if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "Ī${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)o¯[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # o macron if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "ō${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)O¯[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # O macron if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "Ō${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)u¯[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # u macron if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "ū${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)U¯[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # U macron if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "Ū${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)y¯[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # y macron if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "ȳ${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)Y¯[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # Y macron if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "Ȳ${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)oe\\|[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # o-e ligat if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "œ${0}"}) return None # ┌───────┬───────┐ # │ Ü → Ă │ * → Î │ # │ ü → ă │ + → î │ # ┌───┴───┬───┴───┬───┴───┐ # │ Ö → Ș │ Ä → Ț │ ' →  │ # │ ö → ș │ ä → ț │ # → â │ # └───────┴───────┴───────┘ # # → â # ' →  # ü → ă # Ü → Ă # + → î # * → Î # ö → ș # Ö → Ș # ä → ț # Ä → Ț mr ="^(.*)#[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # a circumflex if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "â${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)'[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # A circumflex if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "Â${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)ü[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # a breve if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "ă${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)Ü[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # A breve if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "Ă${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)\\+[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # i circumflex if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "î${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)\\*[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # I circumflex if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "Î${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)ö[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # s comma if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "ș${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)Ö[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # S comma if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "Ș${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)ä[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # t comma if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "ț${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)Ä[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # T comma if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "Ț${0}"}) return None # [ [[ [\ [] [| \ \[ \\ \] \| ] ][ ]\ ]] ]| aa| ae| dh| ij| nh| oe| s| th| : # - --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- : # a á ã â ä a¯ à ă å ; # A Á Ã Â Ä A¯ À Ă Å ; # c ç č ; # C Ç Č ; # d ð ; # D Ð ; # e é ê ë e¯ è ě ĕ æ ; # E É Ê Ë E¯ È Ě Ĕ Æ ; # i í ï i¯ ĭ ; # I Í Ï I¯ Ĭ ; # j ij ; # J IJ ; # n ñ ; # N Ñ ; # o ó õ ô ö ő o¯ ø ŏ œ ; # O Ó Õ Ô Ö Ő O¯ Ø Ŏ Œ ; # r ř ; # R Ř ; # s ŝ ș š ß ; # S Ŝ Ș Š ; # t ț þ ; # T Ț Þ ; # u ú û ü ű u¯ ŭ ; # U Ú Û Ü Ű U¯ Ŭ ; # y ÿ y¯ ; # Y Ÿ Y¯ ; # z ž ; # Z Ž ; if e == ".html" or e == ".php": # html, php # nbsp # … → ellipsis # – → non-breaking hyphen # ^l → right # ^k → up # ^h → left # ^j → down # ^n → line-break # <> → quotes # -- → timestamp # $… → p, pre, p mr ="^([\t ]*) [\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # nbsp if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + " ${0}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)…[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # ellipsis if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "…${0}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)–[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # non-breaking hyphen if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "‑${0}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\^l[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # right if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "→${0}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\^k[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # up if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "←${0}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\^h[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # left if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "↑${0}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\^j[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # down if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "↓${0}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\^n[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # line-break if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "↪${0}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)<>[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # quotes if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "ଡ ${0} ଢ"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)--[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # timestamp if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "<p class=\"timestamp\">\n" + s1 + "\t" + "— " + time.strftime("%Y") ↪ + "‑" + time.strftime("${0}%m%d," + " ") + time.strftime("%Hh%M") + ";\n" + s1 + "</p>"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)(\\$+)(#(\\$+))?[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # p, pre, p if mr: s1 = s2 = s1 + "<p class=\"first\">\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "</p>\n" n = len( k = 1 while k < n: s2 += s1 + "\t<p>\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "</p>\n" k += 1 s3 = "" if not == "": s3 = s1 + "<pre>\n\n&<>\n${0}\n&<>\n" + "</pre>\n" + s1 + "<p class=\"first\">\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "</p>" n = len( k = 1 while k < n: s3 += "\n" + s1 + "<p>\n" + s1 + "\t;\n" + s1 + "</p>" k += 1 self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s2 + s3}) return None pass elif e == ".txt" or e == ".log": # text # ι\ → ϊ # Ι\ → Ϊ # υ\ → ϋ # Υ\ → Ϋ # ί\ → ΐ # ύ\ → ΰ mr ="^(.*)oe\\|[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # o-e ligat if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "œ${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)([aAeEiIoOuUyY])\\\\\\\\[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # macron if mr: s1 = s2 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + s2 + "¯${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)ι\\\\[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # iota dialytika if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "ϊ${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)Ι\\\\[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # upper iota dialytika if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "Ϊ${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)υ\\\\[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # upsilon dialytika if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "ϋ${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)Υ\\\\[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # upper upsilon dialytika if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "$Ϋ{0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)ί\\\\[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # iota tonos dialytika if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "ΐ${0}"}) return None mr ="^(.*)ύ\\\\[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # upsilon tonons dialytika if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "ΰ${0}"}) return None # nbsp # – → non-breaking hyphen # ^n → line-break # <> → quotes # -- → timestamp mr ="^([\t ]*) [\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # nbsp if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "\u00a0${0}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)–[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # non-breaking hyphen if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "\u2011${0}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)\\^n[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # line-break if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "\u21aa${0}"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)<>[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # quotes if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "\u2039 ${0} \u203a"}) return None mr ="^([\t ]*)--[\t ]*$", self.view.substr(s0)) # timestamp if mr: s1 = self.view.replace(edit, s0, "") self.view.run_command('insert_snippet', {'contents': s1 + "\u2014" + time.strftime(" %Y") + "\u2011" + time.strftime("%m%d, %Hh%M") + ";${0}"}) return None pass # %
As an experienced user, you know that with things like that, one can only see a current snapshot.
They are meant to adjust over time to better meet your habits and tastes.
I'm glad that now it is once mentioned.
What I did not show you, are the notes I have made to make it easy when using a new device for the first time; or, in case of one which does not happen to be a Mac, when a new distribution is installed.
Hey, this looks nice, too.
% mkdir -p ~/Library/Racket/8.12 % cd !$ % ln -s ~/devel/proto collects % lsl … % racket -v Welcome to Racket v8.12 [cs]. % racket -e '(display #\;) (newline)' ; % racket -e '(display #\u26b8) (newline)' ⚸ % port search --name --line --glob ocaml ocaml 4.14.1 lang ocaml Compiler and libraries for the OCaml programming language % port info ocaml … % sudo port install ocaml … % sudo port upgrade outdated … % sudo port clean --dist ocaml … % port installed The following ports are currently installed: ocaml @4.14.1_0 (active) % whereis ocaml ocaml: /opt/local/bin/ocaml /opt/local/share/man/man1/ocaml.1.gz % ocaml --version The OCaml toplevel, version 4.14.1 % ocaml -e 'print_string ";"; print_newline ();' ; % alias py py=/usr/bin/python3 % py -V Python 3.9.6 % py -c 'print(";")' ; % alias pim pim='/usr/bin/python3 -im '\''aej.daejana'\' % pim >>> phi 1.618033988749895 >>> phi-1 0.6180339887498949 >>> 1/phi 0.6180339887498948 >>> 100/phi 61.80339887498948 >>> 100-100/phi 38.19660112501052 >>> 100/phi/(100-100/phi) 1.6180339887498947 >>> "{0:.1f}".format(floor( (phi-0.995)*100)) '62.0' >>> "{0:d}".format(int( (phi-0.995)*100)) '62' >>> "{0:.1f}".format(floor( (100-(phi-0.995)*100)+0.5)) '38.0' >>> "{0:d}".format(int( (100-(phi-0.995)*100)+0.5)) '38' >>> ^D %