A threesome, played with the cards used for Doppelkopf
Dealt is like this: 3x four, three for the skat, 3x four, 3x four.
The cards are first put aside for each player and the top card of the remaining talon is revealed, thus determining the playstyle for the first stage; with trump suit accordingly. It is then put back somewhere in the middle and the cards once more shuffled. Then it is dealt again: 3x three.
According to what was revealed, it is played…
König, Zehn, or Neun: Spiel.
Ass: Bridge.
Dame or Bube: Grand.
With this first stage the teams are determined. If two players have the revealed card, they are in the same team. Otherwise, the solo player is the one who has one or two of them, who, before it is determined who can announce playstyle, picks up the Skat. An extra point can be reserved, if he has them both; likewise for winning this stage schwarz, but which is only scored for the final winner team. The team who has made at least two tricks in this first stage is the first to make a decision about playstyle. If it's the team players, then it is the one who has won most of the tricks, or, if even, then according to their sitting position; next comes the solo player.
If it happens that nobody wants to play, then all cards which were put aside as made tricks so far are folded together, the cards shuffled and the top card of the remaining talon once more revealed, to determinine playstyle like that. It is then put back somewhere in the middle and the cards once more shuffled. Then it is dealt again as skat: two each for the team players, then one for the solo player (additionally), then two more for each of the team players. Like that, according to the additional cards received, each player has four to put aside. In this case, all extra points are cancelled.
Scoring. Game won 2, or 3 if without 90, or 4 if without 60, or 6 if without 30 (Schneider), or 8 if schwarz (zero points). Plus 1 each for consecutive tops, if won, for the declarer team, which is doubled for Grand. Plus 1 each for extra points reserved in the first stage. In case both players have 120 points, the game is scored with 1 for the defender team; and extra points are cancelled.