A twosome, played with the cards used for Bridge
Dealt is like this: 2x three, 2x two, 2x three, 2x two, 2x three.
Then FH can decide that it is played ouvert, by telling his chosen playstyle. In this case the cards are turned up for both players. If not, then it is continued that he reveals the card on top of the talon, whereby playstyle is determined like that; with trump suit accordingly. It is then put back somewhere in the middle and the cards once more shuffled. According to what was revealed, it is played…
Acht ‥ Zwei: Spiel.
Ass, König, Zehn, or Neun: Bridge.
Dame or Bube: Grand.
If played ouvert, then FH must achieve at least 50 points with only the visible cards used.
For a normal game, the talon is used, from which each time the one on top is drawn, first by the one who has won the last trick.
Once they are all used up, the cards in hand are turned up and the players can then count together what they have for the extra points.
Spiel. If present…
Both of Dame and Bube in trump suit, then: Ten.
Both of Dame and Bube in any other suit, then: Six, each, for Dame and Bube in the same suit.
Bridge. If present…
Ass in trump suit, then: Ten for Ass and, if present in trump suit, eight for König, six for Dame, and four for Bube.
Grand. If present…
Both of Dame and Bube in trump suit, then: Thirteen.
Both of Dame and Bube in any other suit, then: Nine, each, for Dame and Bube in the same suit.
Normal game. Game won 2, or 4 if without 30 (Schneider), or 6 if schwarz (zero points). Plus the reserved extra points, doubled for the winner; plus 5 more, and the result devided by ten.
In case both players have 60 points, the game is scored with 1 for RH; and extra points are cancelled. -
Ouvert: 6 if won by declarer, 9 if won by defender.